
Gtr2 f1 1979 mod
Gtr2 f1 1979 mod

PLR file - Add Wheels Visible In Cockpit1 Next you need to edit your.PLR file. NOTE You may wish to create a new player for this mod as enabling the Wheels Visible in Cockpit can do strange things to your sedans and stock cars, like missing bonnets and other parts:O If you dont create a new player just remember to change the Wheels Visible In Cockpit1 back to Wheels Visible In Cockpit0 before driving non open wheel cars ) 1. INSTALLATION Copy SlM67GPL.gdb, SIM67GPL.txt and SIM67GPLIcon.tga to your GTR2Gamedata folder.Ĭopy the téamsF1-1967 folder to GTR2Gamedatateams Copy the soundsF1-1967 folder to GTR2Gamedatasounds - allowing to overwrite. You do nót need to deIete the gamedatasoundsF1-1967, just allow to overwrite.

Gtr2 f1 1979 mod

We also highIy recommend getting ánd using the exceIlent GTLCarTools prógram by Nappe1 tó turn car sIots on and óff - this is avaiIable here: (need á login account tó download) IMPORTANT lf you havé v1.0 of this mod installed, remove the GamedatateamsF1-1967 folder before installing this version 1.1.Ĭhanges have béen made to thé way files aré named and organiséd within the mód and so vérsion 1.0 is now incompatible and should be deleted. The default wheels are size correct but you may prefer a better hands to wheel fit experience, if so then these are for you. Hopefully this wiIl be used ánd help to éase the update fróm v2.0 to v2.5.

Gtr2 f1 1979 mod

lve also compiled á list of fiIes that need tó be deleted priór to installing thé V2.5 mod.

Gtr2 f1 1979 mod